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Let Your Taste Buds Travel: Vietnamese Pho

Let Your Taste Buds Travel: Vietnamese Pho

We might have lost all our bookings, but we haven’t lost our sense of humour… or our appetite. These have been some rough and tough times for our industry and world as a whole, but instead of dwelling on the bad lets distract ourselves with some Vietnamese Pho goodness.


Introducing the Vietnamese Pho.

This delicious soup first came to the tables in Northern Vietnam in the mid-1880s and has many influences by both Chinese and French cuisine. Pho is traditionally made up of rice noodles and spices that were imported from China and the French introduced red meat.


In 1954 Pho started to be seen further South due to its popularity. As the dish got more popular so did it’s variations and when the North and South divide occurred as a result of the Vietnam War, there was a distinct difference between the the complex Southern Pho with more ingredients and the traditional or original norther Pho.


Majority of restaurants in other countries would serve the more complete southern style Pho. There is heavy debate on which version is better, the north or the south, let us know which you prefer, or try and make your own favourite version using our recipe below.


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